Sudota Actions

now in beta

Automated community engagement with

Auto-comment,Auto-inbox,Auto-hide,Custom notification

Features Overview

Engage with customers in real-time

Reply comments in real time with advanced logic

  • Leave an out of office message next Fri from 9AM to 5PM
  • Let customers know you are looking into an issue
  • Let customer know the price of a specific product
  • Send a product link of of your e-shop to a customer

Inbox your customer directly

Chat with users privately

  • Send a personalised greeting message
  • Inbox coupon code to a user randomly for a give-away campaign
  • Ask for contact information for manual followup
  • Lead collection

Keep your Facebook page clean of unwanted comment

Keep abuse off your page

  • Hide comments that contain offensive message or abusive language
  • Hide comments from blacklisted users

Real-time social monitoring

Get notified when certain types of comment have been recorded on your page

  • Email me when 20 negative comments has been recorded on a post
  • Email me when more than 30 enquries has been recorded for a specific product

Supported platforms

Coming soon...
Coming soon...

Sample use cases

Automate community engagment

Answer common queries with personalised replies either as a public comment or private message

Try it out

Social campaigns

Automate your give away campaigns by sending the prize or redemption information directly to the winners

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Secret coupon code

Build a tight community by giving out secret and personalised discount to your loyal followers

Try it out


Sudota Actions is already included in your Sudota account, click here to learn more

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sudota Actions?
Sudota Actions allows you to automate how you interact with users on social media. You can customise messages and conditionally trigger actions (e.g. reply comment, inbox users, get notified) based on keywords and time.
How is this different from the Sudota add-on?
  • Our add-on allows you to export, stream and reply to comments in bulk. Useful when you need to download comments for analysis or run giveaway campaigns.
  • Sudota Actions automate engagement on social media, useful for day-to-day management, social monitoring or answering customer queries.
  • If you already have an account for the Sudota add-on, you will also have access to Sudota Actions, and vice versa.
  • What does in beta mean?
    It means this product is still being developed with new functionality and platform added soon. If you spot any issue or have any suggestion, please drop us a note via [email protected]
    How am I charged?
    It's free to get started. If you need more quota, you can upgrade to one of our premium plans listed here
    How is the quota calculated?
    Your Sudota Actions quota is made up of two components: job quota and execution quota.
    Each active job (any combination of condition and action) will count as one job quota. And each execution (e.g. direct message, comment reply etc.) will count as one execution quota.
    Here're the quota for each tier:
  • Free: 1 Action + 20 execution per job
  • Starter: 5 Action + 100 execution per job
  • Lite: 10 Action + unlimited execution per job
  • Team: 20 Action + unlimited execution per job
  • What if I need more quota?
    You can upgrade to a higher tier. If you still need more, please reach out to us.
    How do I get support?
    Please contact us via [email protected].