How to export Facebook comments to Google Sheet for free?

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As a Social Media page admin or online marketer, there would be a chance that you want to save all the comments on your posts at some points. For example you may want to aggregate data to conduct sentiment analysis for your post; Picking winners of your Facebook game campaign from Facebook likes and comments data or you just want to simply download a copy of them. Okay, so let's get started.

Extract Facebook comments to Google Sheet in 6 simple steps

  1. Install Sudota Google Sheet extension 

  2. Create a new Google spreadsheet and launch Sudota Facebook comment tools from the add-on list (Update (1/2020): Instagram comment tools also available)

  3. Log in your Facebook account

  4. Select the Facebook page and post which you want to extract comments from the drop down menu 

  5. Configure winner list options (optional)

  6. Okay so now it is all set, just press the start! button then comments of the post will be downloaded to the current Google Sheet..